Review: Poisonous Wind – All Flesh is Rots and is then Forgotten EP

Under the banner of War Metal, the American one-man Black Metal band Poisonous Wind has been hammering away for the past five years. With a total runtime of 8:50 across four tracks, this release is honestly closer to a single than a full EP.

That said, War Metal tracks—think Blasphemy, among others—aren’t exactly known for their length.

Musically, this EP carries strong ’90s vibes, both in terms of production and composition, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s aggressive, fast, and furious—just as it should be. Tracks like Unsowing Illusive Borders from the Mind and All Flesh Rots and Is Then Forgotten hit the right spot.

One point of criticism, though, is the excessive use of ough’s in the vein of Tom Warrior. After a while, it gets a bit grating. But then again, Black Metal isn’t meant to be a safe haven, so I suppose we just have to take that in stride.

A solid little EP—wouldn’t mind seeing this come out as a 7”, so labels, take note!


Poisonous Wind:


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