A Veenlijk is a human corpse found in raised bogs. Due to the preserving effect of the low oxygen levels and the acidic peat water, these bodies have been mummified and remain in relatively good condition.
In the past, people believed they were individuals who had gotten lost in the marshes. Nowadays, it is assumed that some prehistoric people were sacrificed. Evidence for this includes cords around the neck and broken vertebrae.
After this brief history lesson, we move to the present, where four lads from Amersfoort have been using the name since 2023 to bring their mix of Black Metal with a touch of Thrash and occasional hints of Post-Hardcore and Punk.
They were picked up by the Dutch label Void Wanderer, which has been making a name for itself for several years now.
With Galgenberg, they are releasing their first four-track EP, immortalized by Void Wanderer on a beautifully crafted tape, limited to 50 copies, and—if I’m not mistaken—already spread among the people.
“Egidius waer bestu bleven”, one of the oldest songs from the Low Countries, kicks things off before launching into a blast beat-driven track that serves as a strong introduction to Veenlijk. Hard and raw, yet melodic; fast, but also groovy mid-tempo. The production by Hans Pieters adds a lot to the overall sound.
The following track, Heksenkring, brings the Hardcore and Punk influences to the forefront—perhaps a bit too much for my taste. But that doesn’t spoil the fun. Time to put a noose around those witches’ necks with the title track, Galgenberg, a solid Black Metal piece featuring a calm and melodic interlude with a faint female voice cutting through.
Closer Bloedbad briefly drags us into Black-Thrash territory, carrying a mild ‘80s Speed Metal vibe. Then, with a roaring thunderclap, it’s all over.
With their first release, Veenlijk makes themselves heard. Though I have to say, I haven’t quite found a consistent sound in their compositions yet—but that doesn’t take away from the enjoyment.
A little postscript at the end: what a badass logo!
Void Wanderer Productions: