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Cult of Fire (cz) – ” Triumvirat/20:11″ CD (€ 11)
The debut album “Triumvirat” + the tracks from the sold out 10″MLP 20:11 on one CD
The Rite (int) – ” The Astral Gloom” CD (€ 11)
Amazing Black Metal band
Runespell/Forest Mysticism (oz) – “Wandering Forlorn” CD (€ 11)
Split-CD of two of the finest Australian Black Metal bands.
Zelfhaat (nl) – “Smarten van een Ontwijde ziel” CD (€9)
Depressive Black Metal
Zelfhaat (nl) – “Project: Uitzichtloosheid” CD (€9)
Depressive Black Metal
Hellige (arg) – “Camino de Agua” CD (€9)
Avantgarde Black/Doom-Metal from Argentina.
Domini Nocti (col) – “Filosofía de la Antimateria: El Pasajero Oscuro” CD (€ 10)
Colombian Black Metal, Jewel case
Irae Satanail (col) – “Gnosis necrosófica” CD (€ 10)
Colombian Black Metal, Jewel case
The True Goatblood (fr) – “Goatblood” CD (€ 9)
French Raw Black Metal, Jewel case
Istidraj / Santet (sing/indo) – “Verbis Diaboli” CD (€ 10)
Split CD from Singapore and Indonesia, Black Metal, Jewelcase
Nether (be) – “The Blood of Rats” CD (€11)
Belgian Black Metal, Digipack
Immortal (nor) – The Northern Uprir’s Death CD (€ 11)
Compilation of early demo’s and op’s with amazing booklet
In Battle (swe) – In Battle CD (€ 11)
Re-release of the legendary 1997 debut album
Unleashed (swe) – Before the creation of Time CD (€ 11)
Collection of the early recordings of this legendary Death Metal band
Wurgilnõ (nl) – “De Doden Rusten Niet In Vrede” CD (€ 9)
Dutch Atmospheric Black Metal, Digipack
Wurgilnõ (nl) – “Krijtland” CD (€ 12)
Dutch Atmospheric Black Metal


Stormbreker (nl) – “Overzee” EP (€ 7)
Epic Dutch Metal with members of Beenkerver and Bezwering, 7″ EP


Sfeerverzieker (nl) – “Disciple of the Damned” Tape (€ 9)
Black/Sludge-Metal, Special Edition Tape, very cool!
Veiled Metamorphis (itl/nl) – Tencled Void of Infinity Tape (€ 8)
Black Metal
Rejoice the Moribund (nl) – Planetcleanser Tape (€ 8)
Funeral Doom/Black-metal
Craft (swe) – Void Tape (€ 9)
Tape version of the 2011 album
Craft (swe) – White Noise and Black Metal Tape (€ 9)
Tape version of the 2018 album
3rd and the Mortal (nor) – Sorrow Tape (€ 8)
Tape version of the Legendary 1994 EP featuring Kari of Storm
Wurgilnõ (nl) – “De Doden Rusten Niet In Vrede” Tape (€ 7)
Dutch Atmospheric Black Metal
Wurgilnõ (nl) – “Krijtland” Tape (€ 10)
Dutch Atmospheric Black Metal, Tape with bag and extra’s